Good Morning Y’all, This episode was pretty short. I am not feeling well, and need to make it to the grocery store, so I can get some meds and make the kiddos breakfast. To the shooooow notes.. #SHOWNOTES MY LIFE #YTT [Yesterday the eggs got left out so no homemade breakfast. Showed 3 houses. Awkward moment. No one...

Good Morning Y’all, I CANNOT believe that we made it to episode 50. What a huge mark! I believe yesterday was the kid’s 50th day of school, #sidenote. So I have been wanting to have this launch party for #ACUPWITHJO, but with all the holiday parties, and the illness that swept my house, I haven’t gotten around to it....

Hi y’all! Yesterday was a complete blend of #realtorlife and #momlife at its finest. I tried to handle my realtor business and Lincoln said, “Nauht uh Mom.” Lol. Luckily I had already requested the floors be mopped, so no harm to foul, well minus the broken spice jar. Cameron just left the room. She walked in and said I...

On this episode I will be speaking with one of my favorite friends and networking buddies, Arisela Shaw. She stayed at home with her children and focused her attention solely on raising them and educating them for 16+ years. Now she is trying to break back into the business world as an entrepreneur and Monat...

Good Morning Y’all, My morning was a slight bit crazy. My knees are white from cleaning up the largest amount of baking powder that I have ever seen on the floor. Thanks Mister Lincoln. That was probably his sixth mess of the day. Now I know why moms of boys are so chill and cool. You have to be! My two little girls...

Good Morning Y’all! I am very excited about what the day is going to hold for me. We have so many little things planned, and while I am super excited for all of them, and I really excited to hang out with grown ups later this evening. Be sure to check Snapchat, Facebook, and Instagram for some behind the scenes videos...

Good Morning Y’all! Sorry, but not sorry, for taking the last three days off. They were intentional, but much needed. It gave me some time to recoup. I didn’t discuss this in the podcast, but last night before going to bed.. I got into bed about 8:15 PM, and I turned out the lights a little before 10 PM.. But last...

  Good Morning Y’all! So I am starting my day on fire! My literally, but you know, figuratively. I have my plan and all is going pretty smooth. No one has been sick since Tuesday morning. Kids had a happy Halloween. Lincoln is joyfully digging through my kitchen drawers and munching on a stolen mini chocolate bar. I am...

Good Morning Y’all and Oh my gosh! Sorry I missed yesterday, just decided to focus on work. So if you haven’t put it together yet, I live in Houston, I was born in Houston, and I have been an Astros fan since my grandfather planted himself here from Louisiana over 50 years ago. If I am not mistaken, they were playing...

Good Morning Y’all and Happy Halloween, I went to bed last night so excited for the day. I woke up ready to run through anything the day might bring me. Then I read a 5 AM text message from our daughter, the one that watches the two littles, letting me know she was sick, and wouldn’t make it to our house today. I blew...