Yesterday was a ball of fun. We headed to the store, bought a new backpack cooler, and loaded it up with sandwiches for the kids. We grabbed some tuna and soup for ourselves, as well as snacks galore for the kids. We grabbed the bike trailer that doubles as an oversized stroller with a “trunk” like space in the back, and that made its way into the vehicle.
We didn’t have too much traffic driving down to the zoo, but oh my gosh, the way home was a carsick nightmare, and I think we left before traffic should have really been a deal. But all-in-all, we had a super fun day. It was Lincoln’s first visit to the zoo, and he loved it! All the kids slept on the way home, and dinner was leftover sandwiches for them (super easy), and delicious homemade mushroom sweet potato quinoa for us! We depressingly watched some of the Astros game, and Sunday was a super successful Family Day! Oh and we bike rode to the post office. That was fun!
To the shooooow notes..
#YTT [the zoo was a blast. but it wore me out. got enough sleep the last two nights. as well as, i had my caffeine. ready for the day. ready for my week. just getting organized. just staying on schedule. getting some #pocumenting episodes recorded.]
#TODAYSGOALS [to be organized and ready for the week. shorten my to do list. work out today.]
#MOMLIFE | What is your favorite fitness activity? I love mommy centered boot camps, and the newest one I have my eye on is that frog fitness in The Woodlands. Here they are on Groupon:
#REALTORLIFE | How to find investment properties? Tax rate & low $ per square feet. You can work with a whole seller, but I don’t like very many of those people. I only have ever met one that seems decent. Her name is Elizabeth. Let me know if you need her contact information.
#RECENTPURCHASE | Baby clothes for Kaitlyn.
#WHATIAMREADING | The Fifth Agreement
Love y’all. <3xojo
P.S. Sorry for the awkward pause. The house has a casita, which is super uncommon for Creekside! Lol.
#ACUPWITHJO – #5AMDESK – EPISODE 30 – Game plan for the week. The zoo wears you out!
By jordan2823
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